Our approach starts with you

Are you finding it hard to get started on your goals because you don't know which information to trust?
Have you tried a program that guaranteed results but found that you couldn’t stick to it long-term?​
Maybe you followed a program only to find yourself feeling lost about what to do next? Or, met your goal only to see it slip away?
If you answered yes to any of these, the problem is not you. This is what happens when the approach isn't designed for you (but rather, a one-size-fits-all).
Unlocked goes beyond other programs that miss all the important details. Our team is made up of registered dietitians, nutritionists and coaches that work with your body, lifestyle, and goals. Finally, you'll achieve your goals with a plan tailored completely to you. Plus, you'll gain the knowledge and skills to keep building long-lasting changes.
Eric Williamson, MSc, PhD (C), Founder
Registered Dietitian, Certified Strength Conditioning Specialist
How it works

Start with ease—book a free call with our coaches
What does your unique blend of life look like? Get a free one-hour chat with one of our experts to explore your current lifestyle, goals and obstacles. It's a casual, judgement-free video or phone call where we define those fuzzy goals, together. You'll then have everything you need to decide if coaching is the right fit for you.
Kickstart with a plan that's backed by science
We do our homework. Our strategies are researched by us and informed by the latest findings in nutrition and exercise science. Goodbye cookie-cutter. And hello to realistic, customizable plans that are designed specifically for you.
Powerful companion tools propel you to the finish line
Welcome to your digital hub. It's filled with collaboration tools to help you meet and sustain your goals. Track your progress, reflect, learn new skills, and check-in with your coach. You're supported 100% of the way with weekly encouragements, education, and fine-tuned plan adjustments.

Open communication doesn't stop—text us!
Life is full of unexpected moments. We're advocates of flexibility—in our plans and our own lives. That's why we're always available to chat. When life ebbs, we flow. Feel free to text, email, or set up a call with us anytime.
Monthly follow-up meetings to keep you on track
Each week, your coach will review your activities, update your plan and leave you notes through the digital hub. Monthly, we'll connect for a deep dive into your progress. Make adjustments, set new goals, or just talk—we're here to listen and give you actionable feedback you can take into your daily life.
Education for long-term sustainability
Education is at the core of our philosophy. Each week you'll get interesting and useful content to rocket you from start to finish (and beyond). Check your mail and the hub for easy-to-follow recipes, how-to guides, tips and tricks, and more!
Meet your team


Coach Eric
Registered dietitian, certified strength and conditioning specialist, certified specialist in sports dietetics, PhD, and supportive coach. I'm devoted to finding the most efficient way to help you meet your goals and sustain long-lasting results. Your success is my motivation!
Who better than you to be on your team? You're our boots on the ground, our expert in the field. When you work with us, you have a say and a hand in co-designing the plan that will work for your lifestyle and help you meet your goals.
Coach Rachel
I was tired of researching online only to find confusing and conflicting results. Unlocked helped me incorporate positive habits into my routine that have allowed me to lose fat and keep it off without taking away from my quality of life. This program has saved me time that I no longer need to spend searching the internet. It has increased my daily energy levels and has permanently changed my relationship with food for the better.
Professor, Researcher, and Statistician, Toronto, ON
Devoted father and husband and results-oriented professional